History of Great Lakes Catholic Fellowship, Sponsor of the Men's Conference
In 1994, a small group of men, primarily from one parish in Rockford, IL, after attending a Conference in Steubenville, Ohio, got together to find a way to help men encounter Christ. Encouraged by Promise Keepers' success in drawing men together with their rallies, the men decided to host a Catholic Men's Conference.
Three hundred (300) men attended the first Conference, held in a Catholic parish elementary school gym. There was one speaker who gave all the day's talks. Music, singing, prayer, lunch, and Mass were also part of the Conference. The enthusiasm of the attendees led the original group to plan a second Conference for the following year. Men from other parishes joined the original group to provide their assistance in planning and strategizing. Their work resulted in 900 men in attendance, with several groups from out-of-state. Several speakers presented at the Conference. Prayer, music, and Mass continued to be part of the activities. The Conference was held in the gymnasium of Boylan Central Catholic High School, in Rockford.
More men from a wider geographic area joined the group to plan the 1997 Conference. Their enthusiasm, prayers and combined efforts resulted in a Conference with 3,000 men attending. They came from seven states, as far away as Texas. Held in the Metro Centre, Rockford's civic center, the format of the Conference included speakers, prayer, music, singing., exhibitors, and Mass. The Sacrament of Reconciliation was also available at this Conference.
For the 2003 Conference, 15 men volunteered their time and talents, many for almost a year of planning. These men were joined by many others days before and the day of the Conference. Also in 2003 the Conference was moved to the Convocation Center at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb, IL where it was held on the second Saturday of October each year until 2010, when it was decided to move the Conference to the third weekend of October to avoid conflict with the long holiday weekend. Also in 2003, an all-day Adoration Chapel was added to the program. In 2011 the location was changed once more and now the Conference is held in the Holmes Student Center (a more intimate setting )on the NIU campus in Dekalb. In 2012 the date was changed to the third Saturday of November to accommodate the programs of the University.
Although all Conferences have been held within the boundaries of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford, it is not a diocesan sponsored event. The Diocese of Rockford, however, has been very encouraging and helpful in the spiritual planning and execution of the Conferences. The Conference exists because of the desire and efforts of a group of men to help other men encounter and know Christ. Throughout all its years, no man has ever been paid, or expected to be paid, for his contribution of time and talent in planning and developing a Great Lakes Catholic Men's Conference. Excess funds from previous Conferences are used for expenses for the following year and tithed to the Rockford Priest Retirement Fund and the National Fellowship of Catholic Men. In 1998, Conference coordinators were successful in incorporating as the Great Lakes Catholic Fellowship (GLCF), Inc., a non-profit organization. In 2014, the IRS granted the Great Lakes Catholic Fellowship 501(c)(3) charitable organization status.